Personal Project • cosplay | October 6th, 2022

Harley Quinn [BTAS]

Photograph of a woman in a red and black harlequin outfit on a throne Photograph of a woman in a red and black harlequin outfit posing for the camera Photograph of a woman in a red and black harlequin outfit back-to-back with a Star Wars character Photograph of a woman in a red and black harlequin outfit next to a girl with red hair and a green leotard Photograph of a woman in a red and black harlequin outfit standing by another person dressed as the same character but with a red dress

Photograph of a woman in a red and black harlequin outfit eating a giant fake bowl of ramen


As a 90s kid, I grew up a huge fan of Batman: The Animated Series and Harley Quinn was always one of my favorite characters. 2022 marked Harley Quinn's 30th birthday of her inception as a character for the show, so what better way to celebrate than to dress up as her for New York Comic Con?

Illustration of a harlequin dressed woman kneeling with a gun in her hands

The Process

This cosplay was pretty straightforward as the only technique was sewing and the only materials were fabrics. Instead of boring you with details, here's a little montage of some of the work that went into it.

I unfortunately didn't get to sewing on her diamonds, but even her greatest fans at the con didn't notice!